
Bond cleaning Service in Brisbane

Delivering professional expertise

Best Bond cleaning Service in Brisbane

The Best Cleaning Company

Bond cleaning Brisbane

Welcome to Brisbane exitcleaning

We are here to reduce your headache of moving out. Brisbane Exit Cleaning pours out all the unwanted things from the place and gives your rental property a completely new face. We adhere to provide you reliable and trustworthy services and we include every type of cleaning from Regular House Cleaning, carpet cleaning to end of lease cleaning. We understand your pain of shifting and then pacifying your landlord with clean house to get back your security money and hence we promise you to deliver the house in much more better condition than you had received it. Our service areas cover most of South East Queensland including Northside, Southside, Western suburbs and East Brisbane.

About Us

When we are at your place, we take it as our home and clean it as if we will live there tomorrow. This only principal of worshipping our work has helped us to earn goodwill among our clients. Our team are professionals with deep knowledge of varied floorings, carpeting, and chemicals that used for cleaning. We are here to provide you the best of services at the most reasonable prices in the whole area.


Exit Cleaning services assure you your 100% money back and provide guarantee for further services as well. If there is any complaint against our work or if there is any more demand by the landlord, we will be back at work until the landlord is appeased.

Trusted Cleaners

On Time & Reliable

Best Quality Work


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what we can do ?

our services

We service all of South-East Queensland, for a full list of our service locations please contact us. Locations include but are not limited to the following.

Bond Cleaning, Exit & End of Lease Cleaning

Bond Cleaning, Exit & End of Lease Cleaning

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Steam and Dry Carpet Cleaning

Steam and Dry Carpet Cleaning

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Warehouse / Restaurant / Office Cleaning

Warehouse / Restaurant / Office Cleaning

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General House Cleaning – One Off or Regular (Can work in furnished properties)

General House Cleaning – One Off or Regular (Can work in furnished properties)

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Commercial and Industrial Cleaners

Commercial and Industrial Cleaners

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Spring Clean

Spring Clean

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FAQ's / Testimonials

A small 1 bedroom apartment can be done in 5 hours, where a large 5 bedroom home can take up to 12 hours or more. Some properties can take over 20 hours.
Yes. All cleaning contractors are police checked and clean of criminal history. You are in safe hands.
Yes all cleaners have public liability insurance cover.
We do take advanced bookings on weekends but it depends on availability. Please ask during your booking.